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Baking your day Happy!

I am a small batch, from scratch, custom order bake shop, ready to make beautiful, delicious desserts for any day you want to make special!

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Baking Pastry

My Story

I have always had a passion for baking. When I was young, every hot, sticky summer, the neighborhood kids and I would patiently wait for the huge old black cherry tree in the backyard to be ready for picking. Checking it with excited anticipation every day to make sure we got to the biggest and best cherries before the birds did. When that day came, we would climb to the very top to pick as many cherries as our buckets and bowls could handle. With red stained fingers and lips, and my mom's perfect pie crust I was armed and ready to make the most perfect cherry pies. When cherry season was over, I would pull out the dog eared Betty Crocker and read through every dessert to see what else I could make with the ingredients we had stashed away in the cupboard.  Who knew you could make something as amazing as cream puffs with just a few basic things! Betty Crocker certainly did and from then on, so did I.  

Since then I've been keeping my amazing family and friends well-fed and happy with my baking and cooking, and with the never ending support from my family I have been able to achieve the dream of becoming a full time baker. I have come a long way since my cherry pie summers, learning, growing and adapting in my baking skills, but one thing has stayed with me after all these years-you can make incredible things with the simplest of ingredients.  My original creations and signature desserts are made with locally sourced and highest quality ingredients, sure to exceed all of your expectations.


 I welcome you to come on in and have a bite!



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Pastry Shop

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Image by Jr R

Julia Child

"A party without cake is just a meeting"

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©2020 by Vanilla Lane

7296 West Main St  Lima, NY 14485

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